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Tentang fitnah

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Tentang fitnah Empty Tentang fitnah

Post by intan Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:23 pm


Tadi saya ada mengikuti posting Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks di FB, Statusnya begini:

"Now Turkey...sigh. Roll a map out on the table and pin each fitnah that has befallen Muslims in the last two three years with dates. Then sit back and think for a minute. I rather sit in my house and await a Mahdi than concern myself with any of what goes on in this world today. Mass confusion in a pit full of emotional political analytics, sheep clothed wolves, and youtubes greatest hits. Me, In my house and I lock my door, cause these are the times."

Selepas status beliau disalahfaham oleh rakan2 FB, beliau menulis status yang baru,


The Messenger of Allah said:

لا ترجعوا بعدي كفارا يضرب بعضكم رقاب بعض

"Do not return back to disbelief; by striking the necks of each other after my demise". -Sahih Muslim

إن الشيطان قد أيس أن يعبده المصلون في جزيرة العرب، ولكن في التحريش بينهم

The Messenger of Allah said

" Verily Shaytan has despaired from ever being worshipped by those who prayer (meaning Muslims) in the land of the Arabs. However what will remain is fitnah and fighting each other. - Muslim

Imam Tirmidhi's narration clarifies exactly why this second hadith will take place. The Messenger of Allah said:

إن الشيطان قد أيس أن يعبد في بلدكم هذا أبدا ، ولكن سيكون له طاعة في بعض ما تحتقرون من أعمالكم فيرضى بها

"Verily Shaytan has forever despaired of being worshipped in this land. However there will be some submission to his will [ by you] in those matter in which you will think little of and he will thus be pleased with that."

So as this narration points out, that amongst the Muslims they will think little of taking the blood of another Muslim. Some will simply not care and others will look for a reason to deem it "Halal". -Tirmidhi

What confirms that is another narration of Tirmidhi.The messenger of Allah said:

تكون بين يدي الساعة فتن كقطع الليل المظلم يصبح الرجل فيها مؤمنا ويمسي كافرا ويمسي مؤمنا ويصبح كافرا يبيع أقوام دينهم بعرض من الدنيا

"It will occur, during the end of times, a fitnah that will be like the last and darkest part of the night in which a man will wake up as a believer and go to sleep as a disbeliever or go to sleep as a disbeliever and wake up as a disbeliever. People will sell their religion for a piece of worldly life." -Tirmidhi

Tirmidhi then says after this that when Hasan Al-Basri use to report this hadith he said the meaning is " A man will wake up deeming the blood of a Muslim and his honor haram to take, but go to sleep considering them halal..and (vice-versa)"

The meaning of "a fitnah that will be like the last and darkest part of the night" is in reference the nature of mass confusion because in the darkest part of the night one can not distinguish between harm and benefit. Likewise in the times of fitnah one can not distinguish between good and falsehood. This is actually what will lead a person to take the issue of spilling the blood and taking the honor of another Muslim as something small. Or that such a serious matter will be something in which a Muslim, due to confusion, will sometimes consider haram and sometimes consider it halal. The fact that states and opinions will vary in such a drastic matter in something as serious as killing a Muslim shows yet another thing which comes in the hadith about the times of fitnah which is "ignorance".

After all this hadith about the hour of confusion and blood spill amongst the Muslims, Imam Tirmidhi becomes the section describing the approach of the Madhi because with his coming the oppression will cease and confusion will be removed because there is no doubt in his integrity and justice.

Now one can only begin to understand my last post. Like I said "in my home..." . Like it or not. May Allah keep us patient and steadfast until the time comes when oppression is removed and the Just Imam Mahdi appears. Until then maintain your household and benefit others according to your ability at reach, as for those out of reach raise your hands in sincere supplication. These are the times!"

Soalan saya, dalam zaman penuh fitnah dan tribulasi ini, apakah yang seharusnya kita lakukan? Bagaimanakah kita sepatutnya berperanan?

Saya ada terbaca hadith ini,

Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda: “Akan menjadi sebaik-baik harta seseorang adalah kambing, ia mengikutinya ke bukit-bukit pegunungan dan ke tempat-tempat subur, yaitu ia menyelamatkan agamanya dari fitnah godaan.” [Lihat kitab Syarah Riyadhush Shalihin, 302]

Pilihan pertama: memilih untuk beruzlah, atas dasar apa pilihan ini menjadi satu-satunya jalan keluar?

Hadith kedua,

Yahya bin Watsab meriwayatkan dari seorang alim dari sahabat Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, bahwa Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda: “Sesungguhnya seorang muslim, jika ia bergaul dengan manusia dan bersabar atas gangguan mereka lebih baik daripada seorang muslim yang tidak bergaul dengan manusia dan tidak sabar atas gangguan mereka.” [HR. Tirmidzi dan dishahihkan oleh Al Albani di dalam kitab Silsilat Al Ahadits Ash Shahihah, no. 939]

Pilihan kedua: memilih untuk bertahan dan bersabar dengan mereka. Atas dasar apakah pilihan ini menjadi sebaik-baik pilihan.

Apakah pilihan yang paling baik untuk kita yang hidup di zaman penuh fitnah ini?

Jazakumullahu khoiran katsira.


Posts : 45
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Join date : 21/05/2012

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Tentang fitnah Empty Re: Tentang fitnah

Post by thtl Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:15 pm

Bila ada dua set nas yg saling bertentangan bermaksud Nabi saw memberi pilihan kpd umatnya samada nak pilih azimah (tetap bertahan dan bersabar) atau rukhsah (keringanan) menyendiri dan memisahkan diri dari masyarakat.
Kenapa Nabi berbuat demikian? Kerana tidak mahu membebankan umantnya bagi yang merasakan dirinya tidak mampu dan tidak sanggup berhadapan dgn fitnah.
Cth: Bila Muawiyah mengambil keputusan membawa bala tentera Syam ke Madinah dgn tujuan tidak mahu taat kpd Khalifah Ali, maka para sahabat Madinah dan Makkah ramai yg mengambil sikap berkecuali dan tidak mahu terlibat dgn politik.
Maka begitulah, jika anda tidak sanggup, maka anda boleh mengambil rukhsah dan berkecuali dna jika anda sanggup bertahan, anda melibatkan diri.

وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

AQ 3:104 [Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu segolongan umat yang menyeru kepada kebajikan, menyuruh kepada yang ma'ruf dan mencegah dari yang munkar; merekalah orang-orang yang beruntung.]

Maka golongan yg sabar itulah yg beruntung dan terpilih kerana mereka memilih azimah dan terus bersabar dan melibatkan diri dalam fitnah utk meluruskannya.

Yang mengundurkan diri, mnggunakan ayat ini:

لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللّهُ نَفْسًا إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا
AQS 2:286 [Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.]
Jika anda uzur (tak sanggup), maka anda boleh uzlah.
Namun golongan yg tidak undur jauh lebih baik dari yg uzurkan dirinya.

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Tentang fitnah Empty Re: Tentang fitnah

Post by intan Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:46 am

Jazakallahu khoir Ustaz atas penjelasan.


Posts : 45
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Join date : 21/05/2012

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